High-strength bleach suitable for domestic and commercial applications. Effective as a cleaner and also as a powerful chlorine sanitiser. Effective against a wide range of bacteria, fungi and algae.
Laundry applications
Use at a ratio of 1:20 (5% solution, 50ml per litre) with potable cold or warm water.
Kitchen and bathrooms - wet mop or wipe
Use at a ratio of 1:50 (2% solution, 20ml per litre).
Outdoor hard surfaces
Use at a ratio of 1:5 to 1:1 (20% - 50% solution) with potable water.
Never use on wool or silk, and not recommended for use on coloured or sensitive garments as streaking, fading or other deterioration could result.
Under Good Practice Protocol based on accepted international research a 1% solution of this product diluted with potable water is recommended with liberal application on clean hard surfaces with a minimum contact time of 5 minutes. At this concentration the product provides 350PPM FAC.
This product not quite right? We've picked out a few more that may suit your application. Alternatively contact your Kemsol representative or email Kemsol for more information.
(All animal product except dairy)
White Angel (200L) | FK-WHIT200 |
White Angel (20L) | FK-WHIT20 |
White Angel (5L) | FK-WHIT05 |
White Angel (APP Flip) | BK-WHIA01 |
White Angel (APP Spray) | BK-WHIT01 |
We are committed to continual improvement in our environmental performance, and have established a number of goals and initiatives helping achieve this objective.
Where possible we always use biodegradable raw materials and all our finished product packaging is reusable or recyclable.
This is only a start, we continually strive to better our environmental performance. Visit chemicalsolutions.co.nz for more information.
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